
I’ve been incredibly focused on my writing since before January 2014. By that, I mean, I wrote and published my second book, and published a second edition of my first book. I thought I was making great strides. Then, I read JA Konrath’s resolutions for writers, and was simultaneously filled with guilt, and motivation. Guilt because I haven’t written much in the past two days. There’s been a lot of butt in chair, but not much progress on story #4 of the second Deadly Sins Mini-Series. The story isn’t working. Yesterday, I switched to editing the first two stories of the new mini-series. (The third story is with my editor.)

After reading Konrath’s post, I decided that I need to return to my old ways — write a post when I have something to say, that I believe helps others.

Here goes …

Writers write, and indie writers need to write a lot. We can’t sit back and spend years writing one book at a time, if we expect to earn a living. There are no advances (not that advances are all that great for traditionally published authors these days.)

I write daily. When I get stuck, I either work on, or edit another project. Sometimes, I switch to marketing and promotion. Other times, I write something for one of my blogs. But, I have to admit, this last one is my least favorite. It feels like I’m wasting time.

Today, I’m glad I came across JA Konrath’s post. He reminded me that I need to work on my stuff, more than I need to do any other type of writing, or work. His words gave me a swift kick in the ass. (Something I needed this week.)

How about you? Has anyone given you a kick in the ass when you needed it? Did it get you back on track?

I’m outa here! Time to fix what’s wrong with story #4. I just might scrap the whole thing. We’ll see …