Self-Defense 101: Shin Kicks Hurt

Never underestimate the usefulness of a swift kick to the shin. I love this technique! It’s fast, painful, and gives you a little time to heel-toe express out of the situation. And, that’s exactly what your butt needs to be doin’ if someone’s after you. Create...
Ladies, Can You Escape The Front Choke?

Ladies, Can You Escape The Front Choke?

All right ladies, this is one of those chokes some men like to do. It’s a power move that, even when the guy really didn’t mean to do it, can kill you. (Can’t you just hear the wimpy little shit, now? The police catch his sorry ass, and he whines about how it was an...
Get Your Copy of Dante

Get Your Copy of Dante

******* DRUM ROLL, PLEASE ******* The official release of my first children’s book is today, and I’m thrilled! It took years to write, revise, get illustrations for, and publish this book. Years ago, I submitted it to a publisher. They requested...