Game of Thrones: Desensitization and Detachment

Last year, or maybe the year before, several people suggested that I watch Game of Thrones. I rented the first season from the local video store and settled in to watch. I didn’t get through the first episode. Why? Rape Gore Extreme violence Incest Murder I was...
What’s in a name?

What’s in a name?

The kids are back to school, and my writing schedule is already on track and in full swing! Today, I opened Scrivener and returned to story #5 of Deadly Sins II. As I wrote, I rummaged through notes I’d taken during the summer. And, I found a list of character...
You Need Your Wings

You Need Your Wings

The nice editors over at Fine Lines Literary Journal invited me to send a post for their blog. Check it out! It’s part inspiration, part kick in the butt. I enjoy submitting fiction and non fiction pieces to their journal. It’s been a while since I have. I...
The Lurking Podcast Interview

The Lurking Podcast Interview

Ryan Attard, from The Lurking Podcast, took a little time to chat with me a few weeks ago. It was a great time! Ryan’s energy is off the charts, and his interview style is relaxed and open. He’s returning to Back Porch Writer in October. This is a long,...
JA Konrath Kicked My A$$ (and I Needed It)

JA Konrath Kicked My A$$ (and I Needed It)

I’ve been incredibly focused on my writing since before January 2014. By that, I mean, I wrote and published my second book, and published a second edition of my first book. I thought I was making great strides. Then, I read JA Konrath’s resolutions for...