Publishing Absolutes and Other Bullshit

Publishing Absolutes and Other Bullshit

  I’m at that point in my writing career where I’m tired of listening to the same old, tired crap. Lately, most of the advice is coming from people who don’t know me well. And, they don’t know anything about publishing, as it is today. I...

Author Website Building 101

You would think  that after building four other sites, before this one, that I’d be well-versed in what to do. Alas, I’m not. This weekend, I decided to change the theme for this site — you probably noticed. I switched to a theme I supposedly know....

Rethinking Character Descriptions

The other day, I happened to see the trailer for Noah. To use my son’s lingo, it’s epic. Without a doubt, it’s action-packed and pulls at your heart-strings. But, (and I bet you know what I’m about to write) why are all the people...