sloth 1

I’m fighting the summertime sloth. Maybe you can relate. It starts slowly, creeping into each day as soon as the kids are released from the confines of school. At first, we all awake at our usual time. This lasts for about three weeks. Then, our minds come to the realization that there’s no pressing reason to get up at 6:30 a.m. We don’t have to be anywhere by 8 a.m., so we can sleep in. And, boy does that feel awesome! I’m not going to lie. The constant morning rush from mid-August to mid-May is exhausting.

As I’m writing this, the kids are playing in the pool, and I’m contemplating my sloth-like existence. It can’t be healthy. Or, can it? Maybe it’s natural. Maybe there’s some deep connection in my reptilian brain that kicks in when the mercury begins to rise. Maybe it’s some survival technique. I bet it has something to do with sleeping during the hottest hours so you can hunt and eat while it’s cooler. Yeah, I’m just making this up as I go along.

Really, there’s more work to be done now, while the kids are home, than during the school year. My other life (The Tea Trove) is in full swing. There’s tea waiting to be blended. Customers want orders filled. And, there’s a heavier emphasis on financials. But, the sloth is winning — for now.

If you’re struggling to beat the summertime sloth, here are 5 ideas that might help you. (Full disclosure: I haven’t tried any of them, yet. Please see the previous line about making this up as I go along.)

1. Get up at the same time every day.
2. Eat breakfast at the same time every day. Start with a full glass of water with lemon. (I actually do this one!)
3. Start writing. Don’t check email. It’ll suck you down a rabbit hole that I’m certain leads to the center of the earth. Stay away from Facebook for the same reason.
4. After you’ve written for at least 30 minutes, take a stretch/hula hoop break.
5. Have a snack. Make it something packed with protein to keep your energy up.

According to a lot of research, none of which I’m going to cite here, it takes 30 days for something to become a habit. This means, that if I start doing this now, I should be on track a few weeks before the kids return to school.

Well, that’s a relief! I thought the summertime sloth would be here the entire summer!

In the meantime, enjoy your summer.

How do you deal with mental slow downs? Let me know in the comments.