BEER! Glorious Beer!

Okay, full disclosure here. I don’t drink beer. I’ve tried. Really, I wanted to like it. Even while traveling in Belgium years ago, where beer is HUGE, I was repelled by the taste and smell.

But …

This isn’t about what I like. It’s about what Dezeray Jackson (Deadly Sins I and II) likes, and she loves great microbrews. So, I thought a few of you might appreciate knowing where to get those beers in the Cornhusker state. There are at least 25 breweries in Nebraska, and I’m betting there’s something for every beer-lover!


Lucky Bucket Beer

Lucky Bucket Beer, LaVista, NE

(Don’t let that address fool you. LaVista is basically Omaha. Shh. Don’t tell them I said that.)

In the interest of time (and my fingers) here’s a link: Midwest Microbrews. You can’t visit Nebraska, especially Omaha or Lincoln, without checking these places out. Get in touch! Maybe they’ll hook you up with a tour.


2015 Nebraska Beer Festivals

April 25
Downtown Do The Brew

(The Kool-Aid museum is also in Hastings. It’s about 2.5 hours west of Omaha on I-80 – perhaps one of the most boring stretches of interstate known to man, but you’ll get to see the Kearney Archway, if you drive just a few minutes longer. It’s a museum stretching across/over the interstate. Oh, and there’s a brewery there, too! Thunderhead Brewing Company)

May 2

Capital City Beerfest

June 5 -6
Omaha Beer Fest & Street Eats

August 22
Great Nebraska Beerfest

(Papillion is Omaha. Again, keep this hush-hush.)

Enjoy exploring what our Nebraska breweries have to offer. Be sure to tell me what you think. Maybe, I’ll try one or two, again!