Everybody needs money, that’s why they call it money.

Do you know who said this? If you guessed this guy,

Danny DeVito

then you’re right! Here’s the movie:


GREED is an incredible motivator. That’s why it’s one of the seven deadly sins. And, that’s why so many writers write about it.

But, is there something stronger than our desire for things? Is there some counterbalance? Something, anything, that would stop our constant pursuit of, and desire for, things?

(Why frame it only in money? After all, aren’t we greedy when we only want for ourselves and our own, regardless of how others might feel? When we’re watching our children compete, and they’ve won repeatedly, don’t we long for them to win, again? Is that greed? Or, how about that intimate, yet one-sided relationship where we our always satisfied. Is that greed?)

It’s easy to see greed in terms of this

and, only this. But, greed comes down to one thing: our desire to have it, whatever it is, and our equally strong desire to ensure that other people don’t get it.

So, is there anything stronger than our desire to have it? Or, are we destined to be greedy people? Is greed an innate trait?

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