If you’re considering relocating, it can feel like you really need one of these



And, quite possibly an entire fleet of these


I’m not suggesting that you don’t, but relocating can be a great time to downsize. Over the years, I’ve moved within a city (more times than I care to count, during college and after), between cities within the same state (again, more times than I’d like to admit) and between states (3 times.) It’s grueling. So, before you embark on your journey, here are my top 5 reasons to relocate, in no particular order.

  1. A better paying and more satisfying job. It has to be both for this to work, unless you’re cool with short-term pain for long-term gain.
  2. A change in climate. This could be actual weather you’re tired of enduring, a toxic living situation, or simply to fulfill your need for a new experience.
  3. To be closer to (but not too close) family, either because you need their help with things like babysitting, or they need your help due to illness, or simply getting older.
  4. Getting married (Getting divorced fits into #2.)
  5. Death of a loved one (Maybe you can’t afford to stay where you are.)

I don’t recommend moving for a boyfriend or girlfriend when there’s not a strong commitment. If you’ve been together a few years, then maybe. Things can get too messy otherwise.

Back to downsizing …

Do you remember this show:

Years ago, when I still had cable TV, I LOVED this show! I’d add one more category: donate. Not everything needs to be sold. And, if you’re like me and hate hosting a garage sale, then donating is the way to go. You also can check out Freecycle. It’s a way to get and give things away, for free. Check out your local food pantry, too. They usually take food, cleaning supplies, and paper products. You really don’t need to lug all of your food across country.

After you’ve downsized a bit, be sure to get a few people to help you. You’ll need:

  • A great organizer (if that’s not you) to manage the truck loading. The person needs an eye for how things fit together in order to fit the most stuff into the limited space. Ideally, this person should be strong enough to hoist, lift, and wrestle items into submission.
  • Clean freaks to get your place sparkling.
  • Painters (if it’s your house.) A fresh coat of paint in the kitchen and bathrooms makes a huge difference to potential buyers. This holds true for bedrooms, if you have time and money to do it. You want neutral colors, so pick one color for every room. This gives buyers a clean slate from which to build. Also consider changing out door pulls.
  • A jack or jane of all trades to handle minor repairs, the installation of new lighting (if needed), and toilet seats (or entire new toilets.)

You might be curious by now why I decided to write this strange post. My family and I just returned from a four-day working vacation. What made it all bearable was that we had an excellent team of people working with us – all family, by the way. We were able to completely organize, pack, load, fix, paint, and clean my uncle’s house to get it ready for sale. He, my aunt, and my grandmother had lived in the house for 15+ years.

Personally, I love change and moving. After a long weekend of aches and pains, though, I think I’ll stay put — for the moment!

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